Homophones and Homonyms


● address :- Location/ referring to people

●arms:- Equipment for fighting/ hands

●back:-Return/ to lend support

●bank:-To rely/ depository

●bark:-Howl/ skin of tree

●bat:-A flat stick to beat the ball/ to support someone

●beam:-A ray of light/ broad smile

●bear:-An animal/ to put up

●board:-Plank/ enter

●bolt:-Lock up/ run away

●book:-Order/ a volume, paperback or manuscript

●bow:-decorative ribbon / weapon

●box:-Container/ fight

●cabinet:-Cupboard/ a group of ministers in the parliament

●can:-Container/ able (modal)

●case:-Container/ instance

●chair:-A four legged furniture meant for sitting/ preside over

●change:-Alter/ a few coins

●check:- Confirm/ keep control

●chicken:- A bird/ to be frightened

●clear:-Clean up/ understood

●close:-Near/ shut

●club:-Association/ beat


Cold/ calm

●current:-Electricity/ present or in vogue

●crane :-Strain to see/ a bird

 ●deck :-Decorate/ floor of a ship

 ●down :-In the lower direction/ gulped

 ●duck:- A bird/ bend 

●dust:- To clean/ dirt 

●even:- Multiples of 2/ also

●evening:- Time around sunset/ to equate 

●exact :-Equivalent/ to extract 

●fat :-Rounded body/ Oil

 ●file :-Queue or line/ folder

 ●fine :-state of wellness/ A penalty

●fire:-Blaze/ dismiss

 ●flat:-Smooth or level/ boring/ downright 

●fly :-A winged insect / soar in the sky 

●foot :-Base/ lowest part of leg 

●groom :-Clean up/ the boy getting married

●horn :-A bony, permanent, curved projection from the upper part of the head of certain mammals/ A sound made by vehicles to draw attention to themselves. 

●Iron :-Flatten/ resolve/ a metal 

●Jam :-Crushed fruit/ mess/ congested traffic 

●key :-Enter/ solution/ important kind

 ●lean :-Thin/ bend for support 

●left :-Absent/ direction (opposite of right) 

●letter :-Correspondence/ alphabet

● light :-Brightness/ weightless 

●long :-Extended/ time consuming/ aspire

● lying:-Telling a lie/ being in a horizontal position match Correspond/ game 

●may:- Month after April/ possibility (a modal)

 ●mean:- Imply/ stingy

●mole:- Spy/ a type of rat

●nail:-To fix/ bony outgrowths from fingers

●order:-Organized/ command

●point:-Indicate/ make sensible statement

●remote:-Distant/ slightest possibility

●resume*:-Begin again/ biodata

●right:-Correct/ entitlement or due

●rock:-A huge boulder/ to shake up

●rose:-A flower/ get up

●row:-In a line/ quarrel

●saw:-Past tense of see/ a tool used by a carpenter

●seal:-Close/ a sea animal

●second:-Moment/ support

●set:-Establish/ a collection/ act of sun going down

●shower:-Spell of rain/ provide in abundance

●sign:- Symbol/ indicator/ autograph

●sink:-Go under/ kitchen area for washing

●spring:-Jump/ a season

●space:-Cosmos/ area

●stalk:-Stem/ follow

●stall:-Booth/ stop

●tear:-Slit/ dash

●tender:-Loving/ sore to the touch/ give/ bid

●tie:-Bind/ draw or equal finish

●till:-Up to the time/ ploughing crops

●trip:-A journey/ stumble

●trunk:-Stem/ box/ body or torso

●wave:-Signal/ sway

●watch:-Small clock worn on the wrist/ look at

●well:-Healthy/ perfectly/ fondly

●wind:-Breeze/ coil

●yard :-Enclosure/ distance.

Homonyms:- Homonyms are words with sane pronunciation but different meaning. Some examples are given below:- 




■seam/ seem

■no/ know






■one/ won


■oar/ ore




■pain/ pane







■sole/ soul








■stair/ stare






■ rain/reign/rein

 ■tail/ tale 


 ■taut/ taught


■tea/ tee




■throne/ thrown

■allowed/ aloud 

■forth/ fourth 

■ate/ eight 

■eye/ I

■lie/ lye

■fare/ fair

■loan/ lone

■feat/ feet

■loot/ lute

■find/ fined

■maid/ made

■fir/ fur

■mail/ male

■flea/ flee

■maize/ maze

■flew/ flu

■meet/ meat

■flower/ flour

■medal/ meddle

■four/ fore

■miner/ minor

■rest/ wrest

■tide/ tied

■right/ rite/ write

■to/ too/ two

■ring/ wring

■toad/ toed/ towe

■road/ rode

■vein/ vane

■root/ route

■verses/ versus

■rose/ rows

■vial/ vile

■rote/ wrote

■waist/ waste

■sail/ sale

■weather/ whether

■scene/ seen

■yoke/ yolk

■foul/ fowl 

■band/ banned

 ■gored/ gourd

■ bear/ bare 

■gorilla/ guerrilla

 ■be/ bee 

■grate/ great 

■billed/ build 

■hale/ hail 

■blew/ blue 

■hall/ haul 


■hare/ hair 

■brake/ break

■ heal/ heel 

■by/bye/ buy 

■heard/ herd

■ bolder/ boulder

 ■higher/ hire

■ bread/bred 

■him/ hymn

 ■cell/ sell

 ■hair/ hare

 ■cent/ scent/ sent 

■hoarse/ horse

■ cereal/ serial

 ■hole/ whole 

■choral/ coral 

■hour/ our 

■creak/ creek

 ■in/ inn 

■days/ daze

 ■incite/ insight

 ■dear/ deer

 ■jeans/ genes 

■dew/ due

 ■knead/ need 

■die/ dye 

■knight/ night 

■discreet/ discrete

 ■knows/ nose 

■doe/ dough

 ■lead/ led 

■earn/ urn 

■lessen/ lesson.

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