Parts of speech detail explanation- StudySpot02

■ They are 8 part of of speech given below   :- 

i) Noun

 i) Pronoun

 iii) Adjective 

iv) Verb 

v) Adverb

 vi) Preposition

 vii) Conjunction 

viii) Interjection.


A Noun is a word used as the name of a person, place, or a thing. It includes the name of an object that we can perceive through our senses (sight, smell, touch, hearing, taste) as well as an object about which we can think but cannot perceive through the senses. There are various kinds of nouns.

i)Proper nouns . : They are the names of particular persons, places, animals , objects etc.A proper name is always written with a capital letter in the beginning.

For Example : Himalaya is the tallest mountain in India.

Here Himalaya and India are the names of one specific mountain and one specific country respectively and cannot be applied to any another mountain and country ; and hence they are proper names.

i i) Common nouns : Nouns other than proper nouns are called common nouns.

For Example In the above given sentence, mountain is a general category indicating the geographical structure and hence it is a common noun. Common nouns can be Abstract nouns or Concrete nouns.

•Abstract nouns : Abstract nouns denote the ideas, qualities, and emotions about which we can think but which cannot be perceived by using our senses. For Example: courage, kindness, beauty, honesty etc.

•Concrete nouns :- Concrete nouns denote the animate or inanimate objects that can be perceived through our senses.For Example book, road cup , telephone water , noise etc.

 i i i) Collective nouns .:- They stand for a group of persons, animals, birds etc. and various other Objects Which are taken together as a unit.For Example: army , fleet police , herd , swarm, flock and so on. 

iv) Countable and Uncountable nouns :- 

Countable nouns are the names of the objects that can be counted. Countable nouns have both singular and plural form.For Example dog, person, note , table etc.

Uncountable nouns are the names of materials, substances, concepts, qualltles such things which are not individual objects and cannot be divided into separate elements and hence cannot be counted.For Example • milk, sugar , cake , kindness love , water , smoke and electricity.Uncountable nouns are always treated as singular form and they use singular verb.

■Pronouns and Types of Pronouns 

Pronoun is a word used in the place of a noun.For Example: Neeta woke up late. Neeta slept late at night.

Neeta woke up late because she slept late at night. 

Here 'she' is used instead of Neeta, so it is a pronoun..Since nouns follow number and gender, pronouns too follow them. 'He' is masculine pronoun, 'she is feminine and 'it' is neuter one '.1',' He','She','lt' are singular pronouns while 'we', 'our', 'us', 'they are plural pronouns.

Types of pronouns .

i) Personal pronouns .:- The pronouns that denote various persons are called personal pronouns. Generally 'it' substitutes a noun representing inanimate object, so it is called impersonal pronoun. Read the following sentences carefully to understanding the use of impersonal pronouns 

•It was at school that the two friends met.

•It was raining heavily.

Note that 'it' does not work as a substitute for any noun.

i i) Reflexive pronouns :- When 'self' is added to personal pronouns, compound personal pronouns are formed. For Example myself, himself.Depending upon the use of the compound personal pronouns, there are two types.

Read the following sentences carefully :- 

•He killed himself in despair.

•At last we found ourselves sitting in the stadium,

Here. 'himself refers to 'he' and 'ourselves' refer to 'we'. Thus they help to reflect the action back to the subject. Hence they are called Reflexive Pronouns. iii)Emphatic Pronouns 

• I myself saw the girl yesterday.

You yourself have to do it.

Here you will notice that compound personal pronouns (words in bold) are used to emphasize the action; and hence they are called Emphatic pronouns. 

i i i) Demonstrative Pronouns

The pronouns that are used to refer to and point out the objects are called Demonstrative Pronouns.For Example:- 

•That is his house.

•These are my options for the extracurricular activities.

• Both the dresses are of reasonable price but this one is cheaper than that.

Here 'that', 'these' and' both' point out the objects that are the subjects of the respective sentences.

i v) Indefinite Pronouns .

Read the following sentences carefully.

•One should exercise regularly to stay healthy.

•None of her arguments were true.

•They believed him to be a generous man.

•Someone should come forward.

In all the above given sentences,' one', 'none', 'they', 'someone' refer to person or persons in general but they do not stand for particular person or persons. Hence they are called Indefinite pronouns. Thus the pronouns that refer to a person, persons or things in general are called Indefinite pronouns.

 ■Adjective and Its Types

An adjective is a word describes or gives more information about the noun is called adjective. For Example : Neema is a pretty girl.  

Types of adjective :- 

i) Adjectives of Quality :' 

The adjective that denotes the quality of the noun is called adjective of quality. For Example: Tanya is a brave girl. Here 'brave' denotes the quality of the common noun 'girl' and hence is an adjective of quality.

i i) Adjective of Quantity •

The adjective that tells about the quantity of the thing denoted by the noun is called Adjective of Quantity. For Example :- •We ate some rice as there were no rotis left. 

• He had sufficient knowledge of the subject.

Here 'Some' and' sufficient' are the Adjectives of Quantity. The question 'how much' gives you the answer as adjective of quantity.

 i i i) Adjectives of Number :- The adjective that shows the number of person or thing is called Adjective of Number, For Example:-  • There were ten people in the group.

•Most of the girls from the class went for the athletics.

•Teacher liked some of my pictures.

 Here 'ten', some' and 'most' are the Adjectives of Number .

viii) Demonstrative Adjectives :-

•These bags are mine.

• That house belongs to him.

Here the adjectives 'these' and 'that' point at the objects 'bags' and ' house'. Thus, the Adjective that is used to demonstrate the object is called Demonstrative Adjectives.

■Verbs and infinitive verbs :—

When the verb follows 'to', it is called infinitive form. For Example :- 

•To eat, To run, To drink.

•Teacher told the class to stay quiet.

Here told' is the main verb and 'to stay' is the infinitive verb. The action of the infinitive verb is not limited and hence the name. Read the following sentences carefully him do it.

• I let him do it.

•They can dance.

here 'do', and 'can' are infinitive verbs without 'to'


Participle is a form of verb that shows the qualities of both, a verb and an adjective 

present participle : Present participle is formed by adding the suffix 'ing' to the verb It is used when the action is in the present tense and is ongoing or incomplete. For Example :-Teacher entered the classroom carrying books.

Past Participle : Past participle is formed by using the past perfect form of the verb It shows that the action is complete.For Example ' Drawn by the sweet music he entered the room.

Perfect participle is fprmed by placing 'having' before the past perfect form of the verb. It shows the action has completed sometime in the past. For Example -: Having spent all the money he felt guilty.

■Adverb and its types:- 

An adverb is a word that adds more meaning to or changes the meaning of verb, adjective or another adverb. For Example :-

•Ramesh writes slowly.

•The scene was very pleasant.

•Reema memorized the answer quite correctly.

Here 'slowly" tells us more about the verb 'writes', 'very 'modifies the adjective 'pleasant' and 'quite' modifies the adverb 'correctly. 'slowly', 'very 'and' quite' are adverbs.

i)Adverbs of Time :-They answer the question 'when' and show the time or relative time of the action. For Example .

•I went for the walk yesterday.

•He will soon be going to school.

Here 'yesterday' and' soon 'both show the time •of action, but 'soon' denotes relative time. ii) Adverbs of Place : They answer the question 'where' and show the place of action For Example: The dog follows Neeta everywhere.

(ii) Adverb of frequency :- They answer the question 'how often' and show the frequency of the action.For Example:-She goes for shopping once a week.

iii)Adverbs of manner : -They answer the question 'how', 'in what manner'. For Example : - The soldier fought bravely.

iv) Adverbs of Reason :- They refer to the reason of the action.For Example She therefore left the office.

V) Adverbs of Deqree /Quality :- They answer the question 'to what extent' or ' how much'.For Example:- • Both of them are equally right.

•These bananas are very sweet.


•The dog sat under the table.

•The book is on the table.

In sentence a) 'under' join the words 'sat' and 'the table' and shows the relationship between them. Also 'on' join the words 'is' and' the table'. Thus a Preposition is defined as a word that is written before a noun or pronoun, and which shows the relation of the person or thing or quality denoted by that noun or pronoun to something

Prepositions : In , out ,off, of , um down, for, at, to, from, by. till, with, within, without, through, above, below, beneath, beside, beyond, between, underneath, across, outside

■Conjunction and its Types:- 

•Rice and dal is staple Indian diet.

•The fort is captured but the lion is dead.

In sentence a), 'and' join the two words. In sentence b), 'but' join the two sentences. Thus Conjunction is a word which merely Joins together two sentences or two words.

Conjunctions: and, or, if, that, but, where, or, also, still, since, only, after, before, because, as, neither.....nor, either.....or, not only.....but also.

[Note There are some conjunctions that are always used in pairs For Example neither....nor, either....or, not only....but also]


•Alas! She is dead.

•Hush! The baby is asleep.

•Oh! Aren't the exams over yet?

Interjection is a word that expresses sudden the emotion and is structurally unrelated to the rest of the sentence.

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