Types of email writing ,format for email along with examples. StudySpot02

Format of Email Writing ✍

1.Sender's email ID :- This includes the email ID of the person who is sending email. 
2. Recipient email ID :- Thus includes the email ID of the person to whom you are sending a mail .
3.Date:- This includes the date when you are writing your mail.
4. CC:- The full form of CC is carbon copy .This includes the email ID of the people to whom your are sharing this email along with Recipient. This email ID is visible to the recipient. 
5. BCC :- The full form of the Bcc is Blind carbon copy . This includes the email ID of people to whom your sharing this email along with recipient. But this id's are not visible to the recipient. 
6.Subject line :- This includes what is the purpose of writing this mail.
7. Salutation :- In the beginning of the letter of which always start with the salutations like dear mam or sir to show our respects towards them.
8.Main body of the email :- The main body of the includes three paragraphs introduction(includes the introduction of yourself and the purposefor writing mail.), discussion (detail discussion about the topic), conclusion (conclusion of the topic).
9.Closing line :- The closing line includes Your faithfully, Yours Sincerely. 
10.Signature :- This includes your name, address, contact details.

Types of Email writing 

Thete are 2 types of Email .
Formal email :- This types of email are written to the higher authorities such as author, Singer, sports men etc .Informal email also include its own types such as :-
1.Invitation email :- The mail written to invite someone for some occasions. Such as for inauguration ceremony, wedding etc.are called invitation email.
2. Permission email :- The mail written for asking someone for granting permission is called permission email. Example:- asking permission for organizations of charity camp etc.
3.Thank you email :- Thank you email is written in response to show a gratitude to the for invitation such seminar,webinar, wedding etc.
4.Enquiry email :- Enquiry email is written to do Enquiry about something to the recipient. Example.:- Enquiry email for beauty products etc. 
Informal email:- This type of the email are  written to our close relationship members such as relatives,friends etc.

Example for emails

Question :- write a email to the principal seeking leave of absence from the Terminal examination to attend the "state level under 19 cricket team training camp" at Gujarat .
Sender's email ID:- yashpatil01@gmail.com 
Recipient's email ID :- mukeshpunamiya@gmail.com 
Date :- 17/4/2021
Cc :- bharatcollegesurat@gmail.com 
Bcc :- xyz@gmail.com 
Subject :- leave of absence from terminal examination. 
Dear Sir, 
I am Yash Patil , a student of your college, studying in Std. XI Div. A, Commerce Sectiom My roll number is 198. I have been selected to participate on behalf of the college in the State Under 19 Cricket Coaching Camp to be held at Pune from 21st to 27th March , 2021.
Our terminal examination is scheduled to be held during the same period — 19th to 29th March 2021. I request you to therefore, grant me leave of absence from the Terminal Examination as I not be able to attend the same. I will complete the lost work in the next month.
I look forward to a positive response. 
Thank you ,
Your faithfully, 
Yash patil.
Some tips for writing a good email are :-
1.Email should never be too lengthy it should be to the point.
2.There should not be any grammar mistake .
3. Always make use of polite and ethical language .
4. Be aware of the words which you are using in your email should not hurt the opposite person as this can worse your impression to the recipient. 

Thanks for spending your valuable time reading this article 😇❣ .

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