Types of letters, Format of letter writing along with its examples:- StudySpot02

Types of letters 

1.Formal letters:-  Basically,  Formal letters are written to higher authority such as principal, manager, editor etc. Given below are some types of letters which comes under formal letter:- 
■Thank you letter 
■Enquiry letter 
■Permission letter 
■Invitation letter 
■Complain letter 
2.Informal letter:- This type of letters are written to our family members or the person we more familiar/close with. Example:- Parents,  friend ,relatives etc. Mostly we use casual language for writing. 

Format for writing Formal letters 

1. Sender address:- Sender address include the address of the person who is sending the letter. Example:- 
7/304, Gandhi Nagari,
Mumbai (E), 
Dist. Thane 401209
2. Date :- This includes the date when we are writing a letter. It current date should be written with month and year .eg.:- 
Date :- 04 April 2021 (i.e. Date, Month, and Year in four digits)
3. Receiver address:- Receiver address includes the address to whom we are writing the letter.
It includes name, designation and address of the receiver.A space is given below date line before writing the inside address. Example:- 
Mr. Ashok Kankre,
Mridula Suppliers,
Vazirabad, Nanded 401221.
☆Following is an example of an inside address of a letter written to a specific person Whose designation is known but either name is not known or not required.
Honourable Chairperson,
Mauli Eclucation Society Vasai (E), Dist. Thane 09.
4) Salutation :-
A formal letter requires proper salutation. it also presents the relations of the sender and receiver. Following are samples of salutations :- 
☆Dear Sir
☆Dear Madam
☆Dear Sales Executive 
☆Respected xyz etc.
In informal letter we use salutation such as Dear mother, Dear husband etc.
5.Subject Line :-
We have to write subject of the letter after the salutation. This will help reader to understand the theme of the letter. It must be brief and self-explanatory. 
[Note:- Informal letter does not include subject line.]
6.Message/ main body of letter:-
A  letter has to be written in minimum three paragraphs. i.e. introduction, discussion and conclusion. We need to segregate these parts systematically. We have to separate each paragraph with a blank line. We have to write the candid message. We can use various characteristics of letter writing skills. We must be serious, sensitive and use perfect language to write a professional letter.
7.Complimentary Close :
This element of a letter is separated from the message with a space. Do not write Your's or YOUR'S in complementary close. complimentary close is yours faithfully, Your Sincerely or yours truly as per the case.
8.Signature Block :
1.Signature block plays key role in legal matters of a business letter. It includes senders signature name and designation. Yours Sincerely Space for signature
(Name in bracket)
(Dr, AMAN Pande)

Examples for letters

Given below are some of the  examples for  letters:- 
Question:- 1.Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper highlighting in it the importance 100% voting, and the need of public participation in the voting literacy movement in your district.

A/6, Sagar Plaza, 
Kashi Nagar,
Uttar pradesh-— 416016. 
16th March, 2021.
The Editor ,
The lokmat times,
Uttar pradesh-421616.
Sub:- Voting literacy movement in Kolhapur.
Respected Sir
I shall be thankful voting to you literacy if You kindly Publish the following few lines in the column of your popular daily. 
Many young people, women and senior citizens,  various groups all fought hard for the right to vote. We Indians are very lucky that our constitution has given us assurance of this right. It is 'Civic Voice' which can bring the  benefits of democracy directly in our homes.
Voters play very important role kn democracy and shaping the Government. In our country many people today fail to know their role in shaping the government.  Everybody should register his/her vote who is 18 or above.
 At any public election each citizen of the India should cast his/her vote .100% voting to ideal candidate has a power to form a secular and powerful democratic country. As democratic country,  India is built on the foundation of election.  Our Parliament and Legislatures are of the people,  by the people and for the people.  Voting has a power to elect who we want,  and the right to make the change.  You can vote for  better one .Every vote counts, it makes a difference. Election should be treated as festivals.  Everybody should enjoy it with 100% voting. 
 We have arranged voting Literacy Movement Rally on 20th March, 2021; near Stadium from 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. People participation can enhance our interest.
Yours faithfully, 
Question 2:- The condition of roads in your city/town is extremely bad resulting in increasing road mishaps and inconvenience to people. Write a letter to the editor Of a newspaper drawing attention of the authorities to take prompt action.

Silver Springs,
Lokhandwala Complex,
Andheri (W)
16th March 2021
The Editor,
Times of India,
Mumbai - 400 001.
Subject: Bad roads an Inconvenience.
I have been a resident of Andheri for almost ten years and have always taken great pride in the good conditions of our roads. However, in the last six months the condition of our roads has deteriorated so badly that it has caused a great deal of inconvenience to the residents.
The numerous pot-holes all along the road have led to a large number of road accidents. Autorickshaws unable to circumvent the potholes have had major accidents, injuring many people. The parts of the road that have been repaired, are done so badly that the paver tiles have come apart again resulting in accidents.
On behalf of the residents. I am appealing to you to publish this letter, in the hope that the authorities will take prompt action and relieve the residents of the inconveniences they have had to put up with.
Thanking you.
Your's faithfully,

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