
Showing posts from April, 2021

Homophones and Homonyms

Homophones:- ● address :- Location/ referring to people ●arms:- Equipment for fighting/ hands ●back:-Return/ to lend support ●bank:-To rely/ depository ●bark:-Howl/ skin of tree ●bat:-A flat stick to beat the ball/ to support someone ●beam:-A ray of light/ broad smile ●bear:-An animal/ to put up ●board:-Plank/ enter ●bolt:-Lock up/ run away ●book:-Order/ a volume, paperback or manuscript ●bow:-decorative ribbon / weapon ●box:-Container/ fight ●cabinet:-Cupboard/ a group of ministers in the parliament ●can:-Container/ able (modal) ●case:-Container/ instance ●chair:-A four legged furniture meant for sitting/ preside over ●change:-Alter/ a few coins ●check:- Confirm/ keep control ●chicken:- A bird/ to be frightened ●clear:-Clean up/ understood ●close:-Near/ shut ●club:-Association/ beat ●cool Cold/ calm ●current:-Electricity/ present or in vogue ●crane :-Strain to see/ a bird  ●deck :-Decorate/ floor of a ship  ●down :-In the lower direction/ gulped  ●duck:- A bird/ bend  ●dust:- To clean

Parts of speech detail explanation- StudySpot02

■ They are 8 part of of speech given below   :-  i) Noun  i) Pronoun  iii) Adjective  iv) Verb  v) Adverb  vi) Preposition  vii) Conjunction  viii) Interjection. ■Noun A Noun is a word used as the name of a person, place, or a thing. It includes the name of an object that we can perceive through our senses (sight, smell, touch, hearing, taste) as well as an object about which we can think but cannot perceive through the senses. There are various kinds of nouns. i) Proper nouns . : They are the names of particular persons, places, animals , objects etc.A proper name is always written with a capital letter in the beginning. For Example : Himalaya is the tallest mountain in India. Here Himalaya and India are the names of one specific mountain and one specific country respectively and cannot be applied to any another mountain and country ; and hence they are proper names. i i) Common nouns : Nouns other than proper nouns are called common nouns. For Example In the above given sentence, mo

Define paragraph ? How to write Paragraph writing :- StudySpot02

What is paragraph ? Paragraph is a group sentences that tells about the single topic.  ☆Steps for  writing an paragraph  1.A paragraph consists of sentences such as  ● Topic sentences :- Topic sentence tells about the maon idea of the paragraph such as what is your paragraphs talking about. Example:- Internet,  hobbies, dreams etc.  ● Supporting sentences :- Supporting sentences are the sentences which is tells more or detail about the topic sentences. Example:- Hobbies - types of hobbies - uses of hobbies.  ● Concluding sentences :- It is the end of paragraph. In Concluding sentence we write the conclusion of the paragraph with help of topic sentences and Supporting sentences. It is the conclusion of the main idea . Words like finally,  lastly, Hence etc. are mostly use in Concluding sentences.  ●We can also add our personal opinions and experiences at the end . 2. Drafting a paragraph  ● We always write a draft of  the paragraph before it is completing done . ●Always leave endence

Types of email writing ,format for email along with examples. StudySpot02

Format of Email Writing ✍ 1. Sender's email ID :- This includes the email ID of the person who is sending email.  2. Recipient email ID :- Thus includes the email ID of the person to whom you are sending a mail . 3. Date :- This includes the date when you are writing your mail. 4. CC :- The full form of CC is carbon copy .This includes the email ID of the people to whom your are sharing this email along with Recipient. This email ID is visible to the recipient.  5. BCC :- The full form of the Bcc is Blind carbon copy . This includes the email ID of people to whom your sharing this email along with recipient. But this id's are not visible to the recipient.  6. Subject line :- This includes what is the purpose of writing this mail. 7. Salutation :- In the beginning of the letter of which always start with the salutations like dear mam or sir to show our respects towards them. 8. Main body of the email :- The main body of the includes three paragraphs introduction( includes

Types of letters, Format of letter writing along with its examples:- StudySpot02

Types of letters  1.Formal letters :-  Basically,  Formal letters are written to higher authority such as principal, manager, editor etc. Given below are some types of letters which comes under formal letter:-  ■Thank you letter  ■Enquiry letter  ■Permission letter  ■Invitation letter  ■Complain letter  2.Informal letter: - This type of letters are written to our family members or the person we more familiar/close with. Example:- Parents,  friend ,relatives etc. Mostly we use casual language for writing.  Format for writing Formal letters  1. Sender address :- Sender address include the address of the person who is sending the letter. Example:-  VANSHIKA PATIL, 7/304, Gandhi Nagari, Mumbai (E),  Dist. Thane 401209 2. Date :- This includes the date when we are writing a letter. It current date should be written with month and year .eg.:-  Date :- 04 April 2021 (i.e. Date, Month, and Year in four digits) [Please note : NO COMMA, NO FULLSTOP ANYWHERE IN THIS MODE OF WRITING THE DATE.] 3.

Dr.Bhimrao Ambedkar (1891)-(1956) :- StudySpot02

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (1891-1956) The leading figure in the movements of the Depressed Classes was Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. He spent his whole life in fighting against social discrimination pertaining to the depressed classes, labourers and women. He was a national leader, a jurist, economist, political philosopher, educationist, humanitarian, a scholar and above all the emancipator of the Depressed Classes. Early Life  Dr. Ambedkar was born on  1 4th April 1891 at a place called Mhow in Central ptovince, in a poor hindu Mahar family. He dedicated his entire life for the upliftment of the Depressed Classes. He provided a concrete ideological framework to the Dalit Movement. He was the fourteenth and the last child of his parents Ramji Maloji Sakpal and Bhimabai Murbadkar Sakpal Ambavadekar. His original surname Ambavadekar comes from his native village Ambavade in Mandangad Taluka of Ratnagiri Distrrict. His father Ramji Maloji Sakpal was a Subedar in the military service of the British-India

What are Antonyms in English? || Antonyms with more than 100+ examples. :- StudySpot02

What are AntonymsπŸ€”? Antonyms are the words with opposite meaning.  Examples of antonyms:-  Absence×presence Accept×refuse Accurate× inaccurate Alive×dead Always×never Ancient ×modern Answer× query Approve ×disapprove  Approach×recede Abundant×scarce Admit× deny Advance×retreat Artificial×natural  Arrival ×departure Ascend ×descend Attack ×defend Attractive×repulsive Attention×inattention Ally× enemy Bend ×straighten  Better×worse  lame× praise Build×destroy  Bold×timid  Bight× dull Friend×enemy  Fortunate ×unfortunate  Frank×secretive Full×empty Generous×mean Gentle×rough Gather× distribute Glad×sorry Gloomy×cheerful Giant×dwarf Grant×refuse Guardian×ward Guest/host Guilty×innocent Harmful×harmless Hasten ×dawdle Height ×depth Horizontal× vertic Hinder×help Humble×proud Imitation ×genuine Inhabited×uninhabited Inferior×superior  Intelligent× unintelligent  Inhale×exhale Cheap× dear Combine×separate  correct× incorrect  Conceal×reveal  Comfort× discomfort Courage×coward  Courteous×Disc

How to calculate a Break- even quantity, Break - even revenue with examples:- StudySpot02

How to calculate a Break- even quantity,  Break - even revenue  with examples . Q1. A company has a fixed cost of rupees ₹1,00,000 and Average varible cost is rupees ₹5 per unit and company selling its product ₹15 per unit. What will be the Break- even revenue (BER)  and Break-even quantity (BEQ)? Answer:- Given:- fixed cost :-₹1,00,000. Average variable cost :- ₹15. Price :- ₹15. Find :- BER and BEQ. Formula :- BER = fixed cost (f) ÷ contribution margine (C); where C = Price(p) - variable cost(V)÷ price(p). BEQ = fixed cost (f)÷ price(p) - Average variable cost(AVC). Solution:- BER =f÷p- AVC  =1,00,000÷15 -5 =1,00,000÷10  = 10, 000.  BEQ= f/ ÷C(p- v÷p ) =1,00,000 ÷(15-5÷15) =1,00,000÷0.666666 =1,50,000. Total revenue = Price × quantity  =15× 10,000 = 1,50,000. Total cost = total fixed cost + variable cost ×quantity  =1,00,000+5×10,000 =1,00,000+50,000 =1,50,000. [Note :- For verifying our BER is correct or not we need to find total revenue and total cost. Because BER should always be

What is demand ? || types of demand || law of demand along with its assumptions. :- StudySpot02

 What is demand, types of demand , law of demand ( with its assumptions). What is demand? Demand is the quantity of consumers who are willing and able to buy products at various prices during a given period of time. Demand for any commodity implies the consumers' desire to acquire the good, the willingness and ability to pay for it. Types of Demand:- 1.Direct Demand: When a commodity demanded to satisfy qhuman wants directtly it is direct or conventional demand. For example, the for food, clothes have direct demand Consumer goods have direct demand. 2.Indirect demand: Indirect demand is also known as derived demand. When goods are demanded indirectly, i.e., to produce consumer goods, it is Indirect Demand. For example, the demand for factors of production is indirect demand. 3 .Joint Demand: When two or more goods are demanded jointly to satisfy a single need,it is known as joint demand for example, to make water, sugar, tea powder, milk etc. is jointly demanded. The demand for

The law of diminishing marginal utility along with its Assumption and exception of the law:- StudySpot02

The law of diminishing marginal utility  The law of diminishing marginal utility was 1st proposed by Mr. Gossen, i.e. this law is also known as gossen's first law. However, it was futher explained by professor Alfred Marshall in  his book ' principles of economics ' 1890. The law explains that  marginal utility goes on diminishing with an increase in the successive unit of a commodity consumed .  Marginal utility schedule :-  Table no.1 marginal utility  Diagram 1:- marginal utility curve  Explanation of the diagram :- In the above diagram, 'x' Axis measures MU. Various points of MU are plotted on the graph as per the given schedule. We get MU curve by joining these points. MU curve slopes downward from left to right . It shows that MU goes on diminishing with every successive increase in the consumption of a commodity.  In this case , when a consumer consumes the 5th unit,  MU becomes zero . So MU curve touches 'x' Axis. It indicates full satisfaction level

What is equilibrium price, how to calculate the equilibrium price with examples.:- StudySpot

EQUILIBRIUM PRICE πŸ’°πŸ’ΆπŸ’² The equilibrium refers to a state of market in which quantity demanded of a commodity equals the quantity supplied of the commodity. The equality of the demand and supply results in an commodity equals its quantity supplied. The equilibrium price is also called as market - clearing price .  Why do we need equilibrium price :-  Equilibrium is important to create both a balanced market and an efficient market. If a market is at its equilibrium price and quantity, then it has no reason to move away from that point, because it's balancing the quantity supplied and the quantity demanded. Therefore equilibrium price is vital in economics.  How to calculate the equilibrium price Example:-  Question:-In a vegetable market demand for the tomato is given by 100- 25p and supply of the tomato is given by 15p . Solution:- Given :- market demand 100 -25p and supply :- 15p Formula for finding equilibrium price:- quantity of demand (qd)= quantity of supply(qs) . Calculate:

What is tax, types of tax.:- StudySpot02

Tax  Tax is a compulsory financial charge or some others type of Levy imposed on a taxpayers by governmental organization in order to fund government spending various public expenditures. Purpose of tax  As per the article 256 of constitution states that " NO TAX SHALL BE COLLECTED EXPERT BY ATHORITY OF LAW." There are tax structures in India consists of 3 federal parts :- Central , states and local bodies. This taxes are used for  government expenses such as during the time of disaster for its recovery , Railways,  construction of infrastructures and  various government policies etc. Types of taxes  There are 2 types of taxes:-  Direct tax and Indirect tax . ■Direct taxes :- Direct taxes are the taxes which are Directly collected by the taxpayers. The taxes included in Direct taxes are:- Income tax , corporate tax etc.  1. Income tax :- The tax that government imposed on income generated by business and individual within their jurisdiction.  2. Capital gains tax :- A tax lev